Arteclat - G14 Tomasz Alen Kopera

Tattoo with painting by Tomasz Alen Kopera

We had a very nice surprise during the latest expo. We met a wonderful person – Agnieszka Olszewska, who showed us her beautiful tattoo. The tattoo was inspired by one of the paintings by Tomasz Alen Kopera. What a lovely meeting! Thank you Agnieszka for a great conversation and congratulation on your amazing tattoo. The…

Arteclat - Lukas Kandl

Meeting Lukas Kandl

Together with Tomasz Alen Kopera we have recently had a great pleasure to meet with the famous magical realism artist – Lukas Kandl and his wife Françoise in a beautiful city of Wroclaw, Poland. We spent a wonderful time walking through the little streets of the Old Town and enjoyed the fantastic weather. Some plans…

Arteclat - Tomasz Alen Kopera

Expo Targira-art & main exhibition of paintings by Tomasz Alen Kopera

Z wielką przyjemnością zapraszamy na Festiwal Sztuki i Rzemiosła Targira-art, które odbędą się w Świebodzicach w dniach 8-10 czerwca. Głównym wydarzeniem tegorocznych targów będzie autorska wystawa prac Tomasza Alena Kopery zatytułowana “Powrót do Natury”. A oto co na temat wydarzenia piszą organizatorzy: “Powoli zbliża się kolejna, już ósma edycja Festiwalu Targira-art., która w tym roku…

Arteclat - TR3 Tomasz Alen Kopera

Happy St. Patrick’s Day

Although this is Irish day, it is well known and celebrated across the Globe. We wish you all a very happy St. Patrick’s Day! And with this occasion we are presenting a full face of the painting by Tomasz Alen Kopera. It comes from the collection “Tribute to Old Masters”. TR3 (untitled), oil on canvas,…

Arteclat - Paradisial Hell Tomasz Alen Kopera

“Paradisial Hell I”

Today, the 13th of February 2018 is the opening of the exhibition “Heavenly Hell or Hellish Paradise” at the Grand Palais – Art Capital in Paris, France. The event is organized by Lukas Kandl and the Libellule Movement. On this occasion, we are presenting the first (out of two) painting by Tomasz Alen Kopera –…

Arteclat - Dreamscapes

Art Book “Dreamscapes” Edition SIX

We are presenting the 6th edition art book of the Dreamscapes series. This beautiful art book shows the fascinating world of the contemporary imaginary realism. The world’s best artists in this movement are brought together and show their work in this unique collection. The Book is now available for purchase directly from our Gallery here.…

Arteclat - DR02 Tomasz Alen Kopera

New painting by Tomasz Alen Kopera – DR02

Today we are presenting the second painting by Tomasz Alen Kopera that was shown during the exhibition DREAMSCAPES. You will find more about the exhibition in our earlier posts. The original painting DR02 (untitled) oil on canvas, 110x90cm; 43″x35″ will stay in Austria until the end of February 2018. We have good news for you!…