Arteclat - Tattoo

Great art can be truly inspiring

  Great art can be truly ins piring. Here is a beautiful example. Thanks to Oxana, we can admire her unique tattoo. This astonishing masterpiece on Oxana’s back was based on a motif from a painting by Tomasz Alen Kopera. This is art, that was pushed to its limits. Absolutely amazing! [Instagram: taras2686 ] Sztuka…

Arteclat - Tomasz Alen Kopera

Creation process in progress

Creation process in progress. Tomasz Alen Kopera working on his new oil painting for the exhibition “Tribute to Old Masters” by Libellule movement. We will be the first to show you the results when the work is finished. Proces twórczy w akcji. Tomasz Alen Kopera w trakcie tworzenia kolejnego obrazu w ramach projektu grupy Libellule…