Arteclat - M17 Tomasz Alen Kopera

New painting by Tomasz Alen Kopera – M17

As promised earlier, we are presenting a brand new painting by Tomasz Alen Kopera – M17 (untitled) oil on canvas from 2017, 102x76cm; 40″x30″. We invite you to our online gallery of art, where you can enjoy the largest collection of original paintings and certified prints by Tomasz Alen Kopera. International shipping for all orders.…

Arteclat - Charity Wroclaw Hospice for Children

Charity for support of Wroclaw Hospice for Children

Przedstawiamy Państwu jeszcze jedno wydarzenie, w którym warto wziąć udział. 28 stycznia o godz. 17:00 w Narodowym Forum Muzyki we Wrocławiu odbędzie się koncert charytatywny, z którego dochód będzie przeznaczony na cele Fundacji “Wrocławskie Hospicjum dla Dzieci“. W trakcie koncertu do wylosowania będą kalendarze z obrazami Tomasza Alena Kopery, z autografem i życzeniami od artysty.…

Arteclat - The Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity

The Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity

Artéclat Gallery is supporting one of the biggest charity foundation in Poland, called The Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity (WOŚP). The Grand Finale this year is on the 14 January 2018, The objective of this year’s fundraiser is the purchase of equipment in order to ensure that all babies born in Poland have equal access…

Arteclat - Tomasz Alen Kopera

New Year 2018 wishes

We are at the ending point of this year. On behalf of Tomasz Alen Kopera and myself, I would like to thank you for your continues presence throughout the year, for your engagement in the world of art, your comments and kind words. For the New Year, we would like to wish you lots of…