Sep302019NewsVideoCheck our latest video presenting the magical world of art created by Tomasz Alen Kopera. Categories: News, VideoBy Art ÉclatSeptember 30, 2019Post navigationPreviousPrevious post:Expo Targira-art 2019NextNext post:“Redemption” by Angela Marie NiemiecRelated PostsNew painting “Portal XVII – Spring” by Arkadiusz DzielawskiFebruary 19, 2024Charity Auction – The Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity 2024January 26, 2024Christmas wishes 2023December 22, 2023AnthropoceneDecember 19, 2023Charity Auction – The Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity 2024December 14, 2023Arkadiusz Dzielawski – opening of the EXHIBITIONOctober 27, 2023